to be featured on the Blog page

Designing Strategic Plans for Accounting and Advisory Firms

Increasingly, accounting and advisory firms are looking at their business strategies with a view to driving higher growth and profitability. Developing an effective strategy requires addressing several important, and often difficult, issues. It also requires crafting a strategic plan that the firm’s partners will buy into and effectuate. Over the next few months, we’ll publish…

Revisiting the Weighting of Results and Competencies in Performance Measurement

Some of the more interesting conversations I’d had with clients in recent years have concerned how much weight quantifiable results and demonstrated competencies should respectively be given in measuring leaders’ performance. The prevalent practices in this area for companies of all sizes and industries range from results/competencies weightings of 100%/0% to 50%/50%. Not surprisingly, the…

Use Both Behavioral Assessments and Behavioral Interviews to Hire Great Leaders

I’ve written several blogs on the importance of developing behavioral profiles of high performing incumbent leaders. The focus of these pieces has been the value of using behavioral assessments to identify future leaders and then training these succession candidates through simulation workshops reinforced by targeted coaching. What about using these profiles to help hire better…