Over the last several months, several middle market companies have asked us to facilitate the process of considering their business strategies. We’ve suggested combining a senior leadership team strategy workshop with getting input from the workforce through surveys and focus groups. This two-step approach has led to robust discussions and significant changes in business direction: new acquisition opportunities, new recruiting strategies, new development strategies, geographic expansion, re-prioritization of business lines and new ways of thinking about the workforce and employee development and engagement.
With CEO support, we’ve used the workshops to strengthen leadership team effectiveness, focusing on the five core team competencies: engagement, awareness, trust, collaboration and empowerment. Use of assessments in advance of the workshops has deepened awareness and broken down barriers to effective teamwork, decision-making and creativity. In all cases, leadership has come away from the process with renewed strength, energy and determination.
Interestingly, we’re seeing middle market companies look at business strategy and people strategy together, allowing for an integrated planning process. It’s been refreshing to see this emerging trend in a key economic market segment and very fulfilling to be part of an exciting change that will really make a difference!